@article{oai:niit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000959, author = {判澤, 純太}, journal = {新潟工科大学研究紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {A Governor-general of Korea was subjected to the secretary of inner affairs of Japan’s Cabinet. Takejiro Tokonami was the man estimated as if behaved only as a power pursuer only to become a prime minister converting political parties. but, before Kiichiro Hiranuma’s appearance, Tokonami was the one who succeeded to prime minister Hara’s idea to enforce Korea’s autonomous general elections eliminating the military.}, pages = {21--71}, title = {平沼騏一郎枢密院副議長が施行させる第1回「朝鮮全道自治選挙」の前後}, volume = {25}, year = {2021} }