@article{oai:niit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000089, author = {村上, 肇}, journal = {新潟工科大学研究紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {An algorism to estimate health condition of the elderly people is created in this paper. The data sets are daily epoch reflecting activities of daily living (ADL). From the successive epoch data, the algorism helps the decision of a date when the subject had abnormal health condition. In this paper, the author assumed that the subject would perform less activity (motion) in such condition. Hence the algorism evaluates frequencies of activities, i.e. how many times the subject did a motion, and calculates (1) the lowness of an unimportant motion, e.g. watching TV, (2) the lowness of total motions, and (3) the lowness during meal time. According to the score, it can find the date when the subject was hospitalized, and also find a candidate of abnormal health condition. This method will be useful for homecare in the elderly.}, pages = {15--20}, title = {日常生活動作の抑制に着目した高齢者の体調の推定}, volume = {7}, year = {2002} }