@article{oai:niit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000056, author = {判澤, 純太}, journal = {新潟工科大学研究紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {Under the rule of Wuhan government, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) adopted a new platform and gave the general strikes of the labor unions in big cities priority over the proceeding revolutional movements in rural villages. In the CCP hierarchy, this new platform came to open the gate to power for Mao Ze Dong (ironically he was one representative CCP leader in revolutional movements of rural Chinese regions) several years later.\nBut, in Wuhan government’s time, nobody could foresee that Mao would rise and that the ironic historical course change would soon happen on CCP.}, pages = {59--71}, title = {武漢政権期及びその崩壊後の中国共産党労働政策の展開と党政治(上)}, volume = {4}, year = {1999} }