@article{oai:niit.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000034, author = {青山, 幹雄 and 石塚, 修 and 西尾, 治一 and 長岡, 厚 and 柳, 正栄}, journal = {新潟工科大学研究紀要}, month = {Dec}, note = {This article proposes a model and plan of developing information infrastructure for small-and-medium scale city area The major contributions of this article include:\n1) Planning methodology of developing information infrastructure,\n2) Common vision and model of information infrastructure for small-and-medium scale city area, and \n3) Proposal of pilot plans for developing information infrastructure in Kashiwazaki area.}, pages = {21--32}, title = {柏崎地域の情報社会資本整備への提言 : オープンで自立した情報化時代の地域社会を作る}, volume = {3}, year = {1998} }